Before I found this current job, I was actually doing blog for a Korean taxi group (in English and Mandarin). I thought I will only need about a month to do it but turn it it took me full two month to get everything done and submit to my Korean boss so they will pay me.
Is only when I'm doing then I understand that I took so long is because there is a need to modified all the picture to combine few pictures together so no need to upload so many picture and also need to add watermark on all picture. Translating and typing of the words don't really take alot of time as I'm typing in English and Mandarin.
I still keep contact with the Korean boss, and he is thankful that I did it for him as it helped him to reach out to many more tourists and many wants to book taxi tour with him. At first I was worry that he wants me to help him to do more thing for free since he had already paid me, but he didn't, that is why I still answer his call (or else I won't answer at all!)
Recently one of the taxi driver from this taxi group opened his own taxi group and he asked me to help him to create a blog similar to the one that I did for his ex-boss. I didn't really wanted to accept this job as I don't think I can finish it while 2 month (that time I was don't full time and it still took me 2 month, with me working full time and doing this part time, I don't think I can finish on time). But because he only knows that I know how to do and saw my work before, he wants me to help.
Thinking of the extra money that I can earn from this, is really hard for me to say no to him. So in the end I really took the job. A week has passed since I accept the job but I have done nothing yet ! Don't know how can I finish. I can only just cut down on dramas and some sleep time to rush it out bit by bit for him. Since I choose to earn his money, I will have to get it done !! Hope can finish on time to submit to him...