Dun do thing that will make you regert

There are many times that I heard people's story about traveling, about living overseas, I always have the same expression, " Wow, so good. I also want." Everytime, people would talk about how fragile life is. People can be healthily talking to you today and left the next day. I don't want to be like that too. I still have many thing in life that I have not done yet. So, I'm not going to allow myself to feel regert anymore. I'm going to fight what I want and enjoy every single day. Do it first, decied later. If don't do that, I will not move ahead but keep walking on the spot.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Korea life - day 111 (week 16) / (Seoul) dinner

Korea life - 13 June 2014 (day 111 week 16)

It was been a while we last had dinner with the rest, so I met up with old classmate with PQ to seafood. Haven't got to eat seafood very since I had started to live in Korea as it's not easy to find seafood dish like in Singapore.

There were some seafood restaurant around the school but it turn out that they were either serving raw seafood only or gilled shellfish only (they don't have a restaurant we serve both.) So we just ransoming choose one restaurant and sat in. However we all agree that after eating so much raw food, we felt like eating fried chicken. So after we finish the seafood, we went to have fried chicken with beer nearby.

Had beer and soju which chatting away the whole night and we really had a lot of talking with each other. We didn't need to worry if the people around us understand what were we talking about, so even had 19+ talks came out. (because they are all Korean and we were specking in mandarin)

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