Dun do thing that will make you regert

There are many times that I heard people's story about traveling, about living overseas, I always have the same expression, " Wow, so good. I also want." Everytime, people would talk about how fragile life is. People can be healthily talking to you today and left the next day. I don't want to be like that too. I still have many thing in life that I have not done yet. So, I'm not going to allow myself to feel regert anymore. I'm going to fight what I want and enjoy every single day. Do it first, decied later. If don't do that, I will not move ahead but keep walking on the spot.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Yahoo article - 3 Surprising Qualities That Will Get You Hired

After staying in Korea for a year now, it's really time for me to start looking for a job and settle down in Singapore once again. When looking for a job, the one thing that I always hate the most was interview. I believe it's because I can't bring myself to open up to stranger easily therefore I can't bring myself to talk freely to someone that I don't know, but after staying overseas for a year now, I believe that I'm able to talk to stranger much easier than before but I still hate interviews. Maybe below article could help me to get hire much easier. Really hope that it can help me to get a job soon.

Cut and paste from - http://finance.yahoo.com/news/3-surprising-qualities-hired-170000780.html;_ylt=AwrwNF3T2stUFHUAUJ8j4gt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByN2RnanRxBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NnMwR2dGlkAw--

3 Surprising qualities that will get you hired 

Most people know that qualities like intelligence, adaptability, integrity, and an ability to lead are all appealing to employers. But here are three more characteristics that you may not have realised can also help you land a job: 

1. An ambidextrous brain 

"We live in a world increasingly dominated by data, but if all you can do is read a spreadsheet, you won't reach the highest level," writes Sir Martin Sorrell, founder and CEO of WPP, a multinational advertising and public relations company, in a recent LindedIn post. "Success in business means being able - as Roger Martin of the Rotman School of Management puts it - to appreciate qualities, not just quantities. "

The intangibles of judgment, creativity, intuition, and imagination, he says, are essential for great leaders, "because they are the things that make innovation happen." And they're "just as important as logic, financial literacy, and an eye for detail."

2. The ability to argue 

It's annoying when people disagree with you, Sorrell explains, "but an argument is usually a more constructive exchange than a conversation in which everyone wholeheartedly agrees with each other." Plus, an ability to argue shows you're passionate and willing to fight for what you believe it. 

"If a leader is surrounded by yes people they learn nothing," he says. "Good people know how to stand their ground and make their case - even (especially) when others don't want to hear what they're saying." 

But just remember that in arguing, especially at work, you should always be smart, effective, rational, and cordial. 

3. Fast decision-making skills 

"I used to say, perhaps unwisely, that a bad decision on Monday is better than a good decision on Friday," Sorrell says. "With the benefit of hindsight I might have modified that to 'an imperfect decision on Monday is better than the 100% perfect decision on Friday.' Either way, you get the point."

He says if and when you take too much time to make a decision, "others are getting on with things and building a lead."

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