Dun do thing that will make you regert

There are many times that I heard people's story about traveling, about living overseas, I always have the same expression, " Wow, so good. I also want." Everytime, people would talk about how fragile life is. People can be healthily talking to you today and left the next day. I don't want to be like that too. I still have many thing in life that I have not done yet. So, I'm not going to allow myself to feel regert anymore. I'm going to fight what I want and enjoy every single day. Do it first, decied later. If don't do that, I will not move ahead but keep walking on the spot.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


I was very upset this evening
I felt like a clown
I was told to wait somewhere for my parent for dinner
I waited for an hour and because my my father was still not back yet (which means my mother is still at home), don't know if we are still meeting for dinner.
My mother wanted to ask me if I want to continue to wait there, which made me even more angry.
I was so piss that I told my mother I want to go home, they can have dinner without me.
My mother hang up the phone on me, just because I say I was angry

I cannot be angry because you are my parent ?
You made me waited for a hour with no apologise, I have no right to get angry ?
Just because you are a parent, I have to accept anything you do.
You make me feel like I have no right to do anything in this house

Sometime I don't want to see them
Sometime I don't want to talk to them
Sometime I don't want to come back home
Sometime I hate this house

Actually it hurt that I have this kind of thought
It hurt to feel that I'm not being loved
It hurt to feel that they like my brother more than myself
But that is the feeling they are giving me.
And it make me sad.

Feel like going somewhere and don't come back any more .....

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