Dun do thing that will make you regert

There are many times that I heard people's story about traveling, about living overseas, I always have the same expression, " Wow, so good. I also want." Everytime, people would talk about how fragile life is. People can be healthily talking to you today and left the next day. I don't want to be like that too. I still have many thing in life that I have not done yet. So, I'm not going to allow myself to feel regert anymore. I'm going to fight what I want and enjoy every single day. Do it first, decied later. If don't do that, I will not move ahead but keep walking on the spot.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Korea Life - day 131 week 19 / (Seoul) Busan bus tix & sushi dinner

Korea Life - 3 July 2014 (Day 131 week 19)

Since summer is  around the corner, I decided the next trip will be BUSAN !!! But due to train tickets were way off my budgets so I choose to take the bus instead. And as being a kiasu Singaporean, Qi and I headed down to Express bus terminal to buy Busan bus ticket after school first

With Qi around, I don't need to worry about getting the ticket at all. After getting the tickets, we went to eat at a sushi bar intro by Qi. The price wasn't as expensive as other places, the price were around $1.40 to $3.00 or even more. They can even help to warm up the dishes that you choose. It's a shop that I don't mind coming back again.

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