Dun do thing that will make you regert

There are many times that I heard people's story about traveling, about living overseas, I always have the same expression, " Wow, so good. I also want." Everytime, people would talk about how fragile life is. People can be healthily talking to you today and left the next day. I don't want to be like that too. I still have many thing in life that I have not done yet. So, I'm not going to allow myself to feel regert anymore. I'm going to fight what I want and enjoy every single day. Do it first, decied later. If don't do that, I will not move ahead but keep walking on the spot.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Yahoo article - Experience Japan without breaking the bank

Truth is that I'm planning of going Japan for a vacation before I headed back to Singapore to re-start my life in Singapore. I'm not intending to tell my parent as I already can guess what kind of answer will they give me. They always reject any of my idea regarding to vacation. They never understand why are vacation so important that I'm willing to spend so much money on it. Truth is I don't understand how can they go on working for so long with no vacation in between. Thinking of the life that went through, I NEVER WANT TO BE LIKE THAT. Therefore no matter what are they going to say, I decided to go on this trip without them knowing about it at all. Hope below article can really help me to save some cash for this trip !!

Cut and paste from - https://sg.news.yahoo.com/photos/experience-japan-without-breaking-the-bank-slideshow/1-flight-tickets-photo-1416970350523.html

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